

Not long after I began this blog... someone quickly took an interest in it. Perhaps he was attracted to my extraornadinary writing skills.(e-x-t-r-a-o-r-d-i-n-a-r-y...?)
Considering he's a professional writer & must cringe every time he reads one of my entries, I believe that it was something else.(like maybe... cycling?) Actually the Canadian Tire Supercycle I chose for my entry into the sport was all part of a blog dedicated to it. The Bike of Doom chronicles the results of buying a low cost department store bicycle. This blog helped me along my journey this summer with it's many resources & feedback. It also help introduce my story to other cyclist just like me. (well in better shape than me but...) We two bloggers also share similar weather. (not quite the same... Winnipeg tends to do winter bigger & badder) Cold weather, rain , sleet & snow tend to slow a cyclist down. So he has decided to hang it up for the winter "Last ride, last post — 3,204 Km". I myself am trying to continue... but the longer the ribs take to heal & the worst the weather gets outside, the harder it will be to get back in the saddle. Everything seems to be winding down & I just wanted to say thank you to The Bike of Doom. Thanks for everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome :) I continue to enjoy your blog. Good luck riding through the winter. For me, it wasn't the cold, but the lack of exercise. Through spring, summer and fall, my commute has been about 50% of the exercise I get. In winter, however, it's 100%. The 14 Km a day commute, which takes about 40 minutes in Winter, just isn't enough panting and sweating to keep me healthy. If I walk, although a shorter route, I get a minimum of 90 minutes a day, 5 days a week, of brisk walking, increased heart rate, rapid respiration, and all that other good stuff. If I was motivated enough to join a gym to get exercise through Winter, I'd probably just keep cycling.

Anyway, have a good winter!